- Entries fee's will be collected at check-in time.
- Show is open to anyone that is 21 years of age or younger as of January 1st, 2022.
- Trailers may begin arriving 6 AM on July 13, 2022. Check-In: 9 AM to NOON on Wednesday, July 13. Trailer spots will only be allowed in the racing pit area. Exhibitors must stall & fit at their trailers.
- We recommend you bring a generator. Wash racks will be open & available to all exhibitors. Please bring your own hose & wash supplies.
- Garbage bags will be provided at check-in. You must clean-up your stalling/fitting area prior to leaving.
- HEALTH PAPERS are REQUIRED. Registration Papers for Heifers must be presented at check-in, as tattoos will be checked.
- All steers, market heifers, & commercial breeding heifers must be WEIGHED IN at check-in.
- Show will start promptly at 3:00 PM!
- Classes will be posted on Northland Classic Facebook and around the grounds area. In order to make the show run smoothly it is requested that the ONLINE form (LINK WILL BE PROVIDED ON THE NORTHLAND CLASSIC FACEBOOK PAGE) is completed prior to Noon on Tuesday, July 12th, 2022. This will speed up registration when you pay your fees, animals are weighed and tattoos are checked.
- Thanks in advance! Fees are $20 for Winneshiek County Juniors or comeback calves from the sale and $30 for out of county and state.
- Have Questions? Please contact Dana Stendel at (563) 419-5023 or the Northland Classic Facebook Page.